Women’s Wellness Revitalized

Confidence Restored

The TempSure Vitalia treatment is the gentle hormone-free solution for women’s wellness. This treatment gently provides therapeutic heat to increase circulation in your most intimate and sensitive areas.

What TempSure Vitalia can do for you?

  • Increases nerve sensitivity in the vaginal area, significantly enhancing your pleasure during intimacy.

  • Tightens the tissue inside your vaginal canal, leading to a more pleasurable intimate experience for both you and your partner.

  • Promotes new collagen and elastin growth, enhancing the appereance of vaginal tissue that may have atrophied due to childbirth, hormonesm or the natural aging process. Collagen fills in whithering areas while elastin restores youthful elasticity.

  • Providesrelief from urinary incontinence, dramatically reducing or even eliminating such problems.

How does it work?

Carefully calculated therapeutic heat is applied to target tissue to help increase local circulation which in turn relieves pain and reduces muscle spasms.
The treatment consists of inserting the comfortable and carefully designed Vitalia handpiece into the vagina where the therapeutic heat can be directly delivered. Treatments are safe, comfortable, and take less than 30 minutes, meaning you can have the peace of mind to schedule an appointment within your busy day.

Your Problem Solved

TempSure Vitalia was designed with real women in mind. This non-surgical, hormone and chemical free treatment comes with zero downtime required and lets you get the treatment you need quickly and effectively.